High Kings, Presidents, Princes, and Sheikhs …and The Most High Who Rules Them All

May 5, 2019    Kevin McClure    Daniel

Application Questions

1. In Daniel 4, Nebuchadnezzar declares to all peoples what the Most High God has done for him. Take time to declare to your small group what the Most High God has done for you.

2. In Daniel’s culture, people considered dreams to have great significance, and God sometimes used dreams for His glory. Our culture places a lot less significance on dreams, yet sleeplessness is a common problem among Americans. Do you struggle to fall asleep or to stay asleep at night? If so, how can sleeplessness be used for God’s glory?

3. What is something God has done in your life to humble you? As you were humbled, were there truths about God that you found joy or comfort in?

4. Is today’s reminder (that God is able to humble those who walk in pride) convicting you of any pride or sin (which is prideful rebellion) in your life? If so, confess and repent from it. If appropriate, ask your small group to help you be accountable in this area.