The Best the World Has to Offer, the God Who Reveals Mysteries, and the Forever Stone Kingdom

Mar 10, 2019    Kevin McClure    Daniel

Application Questions

1. In Daniel chapter 2, king Nebuchadnezzar seeks wisdom from all different sources before finding them inferior to the wisdom of God. What sources do you go to for wisdom? Are they sources of earthly wisdom or godly wisdom?

2. Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream shows the power of God’s kingdom over all the kingdoms of the world. This is a good reminder to us that our hope is in an eternal kingdom, and not in the leaders of this world. What are some examples of people putting their hope in politics or worldly leaders, and what are some examples of people allowing political happenings to cause fear or anxiety? Have you ever found yourself putting hope in politics or being anxious because of political happenings?

3. Take time to write down characteristics of God that encourage you to place your hope in Him and cast your anxieties on Him. Then, use your list as a guide to pray a prayer of praise to God, exalting Him for who He is.