“You Knew All This!”: The High Price of No Humility Before the God Who Gives Each Breath

May 19, 2019    Kevin McClure    Daniel

Application Questions

1. When was a time in your life where God gave you a warning or convicted you that you were sinning against him? Did you respond by repentance or did you ignore the warning and face consequences?

2. God used Daniel to speak difficult truth into Belshazzar’s life - even though Belshazzar didn’t listen. Has there been a time when someone spoke truth that you didn’t want to hear into your life or a time when you had to speak truth into another person’s life?

3. How should the reality that the Lord judges even the actions of kings impact your daily life? (In the way you prioritize your time, in what you do when nobody is watching, in your interactions with other believers, in your interactions with non-believers, etc.)