Sunday, September 15, 2024
Corporate Prayer - 8:40am
Corporate Worship Gathering - 10:00am
We love seeing families worship together, and encourage you to have your young children join you in the sanctuary during the service! There are children's bulletins available in the foyer that are designed to help your children follow along and participate in various aspects of the corporate worship gathering. However, if it would serve you and your family, there are children's classes for nursery through kindergarten during the 10:00 AM gathering.
We love seeing families worship together, and encourage you to have your young children join you in the sanctuary during the service! There are children's bulletins available in the foyer that are designed to help your children follow along and participate in various aspects of the corporate worship gathering. However, if it would serve you and your family, there are children's classes for nursery through kindergarten during the 10:00 AM gathering.
10:00am Service Order
10:00 - Worship Gathering
Congregational Singing
Pastoral Prayer
Next Sunday's Sermon: Acts 20:17-38 — Pastor Matt
Congregational Singing
Praise the the Lord, the Almighty
The Lord is My Salvation
We Look to You
Scripture Reading — Galatians 3:10-14Pastoral Prayer
– Castleton Community Church (Pastor Tommy Johnston)
– Supported Workers: Dieudonné & Dominique Tamfu
Sermon Joshua 8:1-35 — Pastor David
Congregational SingingO God Our Help in Ages Past
O Church Arise
ClosingNext Sunday's Sermon: Acts 20:17-38 — Pastor Matt