
February 23, 2025


GCC Spotify Channel 
Our church loves to sing the truths of Scripture!  Now you can hear the songs we sing on Sunday via our church Spotify channel.  Share it with friends and family!

Children’s Classes
The first Sunday each month is Family Worship Sunday for children and parents to worship together in the sanctuary.  The remaining Sundays we provide a children's class  (2 years -- Kindergarten). Children can be checked in at the Geist Kids kiosk in the foyer.  A Geist Children's Bulletin is available for  children staying in the sanctuary to engage and participate in the corporate worship gathering.

Core Courses
Core Courses are at 9AM on Sundays.
  • Connection Point
  • Digging Deeper: Studying the Scripture being preached Sunday

Financial Update —January 2025 YTD
You can give by placing a check or cash in the white offering box just inside the main entrance, or online at geist.org/give.
Giving - $26,738
Expenses - $23,508
Budget - $23,358

(For more info on any of these events checkout the Events Page)

Member Meeting
Today | February 23 | 5:00pm | GCC
Join us for a member meeting and potluck dinner! Bring your favorite dish to share as we fellowship, welcome new members, pray together, hear missionary updates and share about ongoing evangelism efforts.

Traditions at Brookside
Thursday | February 27 | 10:30am-11:00am | Traditions at Brookside
Each week we go to the assisted living facility and hold a chapel service for the residents.  Join us as we sing and share of our Lord through His Word!

Serve a Lunch/Share a Lunch
Sunday | March 2 | 11:30am-1:00pm | GCC Kitchen
First Serve: Join us in the kitchen immediately after the morning worship gathering as we pack lunches for Wheeler Mission. Then Share: Bring your own brown bag lunch and each lunch together.

Friday | March 21 | 6:00pm-9:00pm | GCC
In Romans 12:2, Paul warns against conforming to the world and instead calls us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This is the aim of GCC’s spring 2025 RENEW night as Pastor Matt digs deep into the entire book of Isaiah, showing how the Lord saves through judgment and restoration. In addition, we’ll be looking closely at key messianic prophesies revealed in the New Testament and fulfilled in Jesus. Join us by registering at geist.org/renew.

Volunteers Needed!
We would love to host a Vacation Bible School this year, but we need your help and involvement to serve in many different ways.  If you are interested in volunteering in some capacity, sign up on the sheet in the foyer and mark your calendars for our first VBS meeting on Sunday, March 30 after the morning worship gathering. VBS dates:  Monday, June 23 – Friday, June 27 (mornings).

Service Opportunities
Geist Kids:  Contact Linda Woodhouse at lindawoo57@gmail.com
Audio/Visual:  Contact John Dennert at j.dennert@sbcglobal.net
Music:  Contact Dustin Phillips at dustin.phillips.it@gmail.com or Sally Harvey at officeadmin@geist.org

GCC Social
Want to be in touch with others in our congregation?  Sign up for GCC Social.  If you have not signed up and would like to be added, please email Sally Harvey at officeadmin@geist.org.

Sermon Discussion Questions
1.  What voices are competing in your life for control against the Word of God? How can you guard against them? In what ways are you tempted to ignore the Word and trust in your own supposed wisdom?
2.  What are some ways Jesus is a better “prophet” like Moses? How does that encourage us in our relationship with the Lord and the troubles of this life?
3.  Why is how we listen during the worship service so important? How can you better “hear” God’s word before, during, and after the Sunday gathering?

Service Order

8:40 - Prayer
Meets in Classroom 1

9:00 - Core Courses
  • Connection Point
  • Digging Deeper: Studying the Scripture being preached Sunday

10:00 - Worship Gathering
Congregational Singing
       How Firm a Foundation
I Set My Hope on Jesus
Christ the True and Better
 Scripture Reading — Hebrews 3:1-11
– Chapelwood Baptist Church (Pastor Dan Weller)
–  Supported Workers:  Dieudonné & Dominique Tamfu
Deuteronomy 18  —  Andrew Scherer, Pastoral Intern
Congregational Singing
       Almost Home
Holy, Holy, Holy

Next Sunday's Sermon:  Joshua 20-21  —  Pastor David