Children's Ministries

Sunday Mornings at 10:00 

proclaiming the hope of Jesus to the next generation 

Currently offering classes for babies through age 5.  
You can check your child into their class at the electronic kiosk toward the back of our foyer.
Kindergarten - 2nd grade classes launching Spring 2023.
We love families worshiping together in the service, and if you'd like to keep your child with you, we encourage that - the noise never bothers us!

Who We Are

The Children's Ministries at Geist Community Church seeks to come alongside parents, seeking to encourage, inspire, and equip parents as they disciple their children.

We consider it a privilege to care for your child to allow you to worship  & hear the Word in an undistracted way.

What We Do

We teach children the basic stories from the Bible, seeking to tell them how all of scripture points to Jesus.

On Sunday mornings, your child will engage in hands-on crafts, activities, and listen to an age-appropriate Bible lesson, all designed to clearly explain the Bible and the hope of Christ.

What's Different

We recognize that the Lord has given you, as  parents, the responsibility of training and discipling your children, and we want to help you in this process.
Parenting courses, resource suggestions, and an atmosphere of family in our church all exist to help you point your child to Christ.

Mother's Room 

Need a quiet place to feed, change, or care for your baby?

Our mother's room, situated in our children's wing, offers just that.  You're free to come-and-go with your child as it is best for you.  Water bottles are available for moms, and please just ask if there is anything else you need.  It is our privilege to serve you!